Sap Sinha – Chief Operating Officer, COO – Allied Digestive Health

Sap Sinha is a Chief Operating Officer, COO at Allied Digestive Health based in West Long Branch, United States.

Allied Digestive Health 187 NJ-36 #230, West Long Branch NJ United States 732-702-**** s*******

Sap Sinha Direct Email and Contact Phone Number

Sap Sinha is the Chief Operating Officer, COO at Allied Digestive Health, a company in the Medical Practices industry.

Allied Digestive Health is part of the Medical Practices industry and is based in West Long Branch, United States. Sap is also Chief Operating Officer, COO at Allied Digestive Health in 187 NJ-36 #230, West Long Branch, NJ, United States.

For inquiries regarding Allied Digestive Health, the Chief Operating Officer, COO role, and insights into the Medical Practices industry, please contact Sap Sinha. Consider reaching out to Sap Sinha via email and LinkedIn for direct communication and deeper insights.

Also connect with successful professionals with Chief Operating Officer, COO and other decision-making job titles.

Allied Digestive Health welcomes inquiries and job applications. Individuals interested in roles such as Chief Operating Officer, COO can contact Allied Digestive Health at 732-702-1039.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Sap Sinha

What company does Sap Sinha work for?

Sap Sinha works for Allied Digestive Health as Chief Operating Officer COO

What is Sap Sinha’s role in Allied Digestive Health?

Sap Sinha’s role in Allied Digestive Health is Chief Operating Officer COO

What is Sap Sinha’s direct phone number?

Sap Sinha’s direct phone number is 732-702-1039

What is Sap Sinha’s direct email?

Sap Sinha’s direct email is

What is Sap Sinha’s latest job experience?

Sap Sinha’s latest job experience is Chief Operating Officer COO at Allied Digestive Health

Which industry does Sap Sinha work in?

Sap Sinha works in the industry of Medical Practices.

Who is Sap Sinha?

Sap Sinha is a Chief Operating Officer, COO at Allied Digestive Health based in West Long Branch, United States.

Where is Sap Sinha based?

Sap Sinha works for Allied Digestive Health, located at 187 NJ-36 #230, West Long Branch NJ United States.

What is the revenue range for Allied Digestive Health, where Sap Sinha works?

The Allied Digestive Health company where Sap Sinha works has a revenue range of 100 - 250M.

What is the range of employees at Allied Digestive Health where Sap Sinha works?

The Allied Digestive Health company where Sap Sinha works has 250 - 1000 employees.
Allied Digestive HealthAllied Digestive Health, a company in Medical Practices. |  732-702-1039  |  Sap Sinha Chief Operating Officer, COO at Allied Digestive Health |  United States
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