generate more leads through website

More and more companies today are conducting online research before finalizing their final vendor lists. This is a scene where a company website plays an important role. While conducting an online research if the company could not find out your website, its you who lost the opportunity to do business. It is (in our opinion) important to have a company website. The very basic idea behind having a company website is to let people know you, let people like you, let people trust you and let them contact you. However, there are companies who own a website but can’t get leads from it. In that case having a website is similar to not having one.

Problem here could be that the marketers are unable to find you online. To overcome this issue and to make sure to generate leads from your website read further.

Here’s a list of essentials to ensure your site has what it needs to generate leads.

1. SEO – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO uses technique that get your website listed in the search results when a buyer searches for it in search engines.

2. Web 2.0 ready – It means that your website is connected with the web through Human and machine stand point. Web 2.0 offers numerous tools for human communication. It also creates an impression that you are up-to-date in terms of technology. Search engines also give weightage to Web 2.0 websites.

3. Landing pages – The landing pages on your website should grab visitor’s attention. Write them powerfully and engage them.

4. Built website with right code – Its a bit too technical to understand it, but in order to get maximum online exposure you need to have CMS i.e. Content Management System. CMS allows you to organize and distribute work using SEO friendly RSS.

5. Exciting Content – Create content that excites a buyer. Your focus area should be buyer’s needs and problems.

6. Easy to navigate and visually appealing – It is a proven fact that we humans easily get impressed by visually appealing things. Same is the case with websites. Easy navigation is another aspect to keep your visitors engaged.

7. User friendly and User focused – While designing and creating content for a website, a marketer should always keep his customers in mind. Make sure there are no broken links in the content and is easily understood.

8. Social Media integration – Make sure that your website is social media enabled. It makes it easy for your visitors to share and connect with you on social media networks.

9. Blogs – It is been observed that the companies who have a blog and update it on regular basis get 55% more website visits, 97% more inbound links, 434% more indexed pages and 67% more leads.

10. Provide valuable and unique content – To capture more leads via your website, you need to have unique and valuable (valuable for your customers) content on your site.

11. Call to Action CTA – CTA is a one of the critical elements in your strategy. You don’t get until you ask. You have to invoke the buyer to take action. Provide them offers and free trials to initiate action.

12. Update your website regularly – Creating a website is not the only task, you need to update it on regular basis to generate all the leads possible. Keep updating the content about company, new feature, testimonials, ads and also replies to the customers.

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