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What Can B2B Marketers Learn From B2C Autoresponders

Autoresponder is a killer application in the B2C world. B2C marketers like online retailers have long used autoresponders to engage customers, bring them back, drive sales and increase the value of every customer on an ongoing basis. Some of the tricks that work really well include: Send follow-up emails at regular intervals within 21-30 days…

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Email Verification – Tips On Selecting An Email List Verifier

  Email verification software solutions have been around just as long as the need for email verification was felt and if you are looking for a solution to have your business to business email campaign lists verifed there are several options which may vary in terms of accuracy and effectiveness. Other than the pricing factor…

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BtoB Email lists – Is Bigger Really Better?

There was a well written post by Robert Vanselow, VP of Sales and Marketing at Newsmax Media titled: “When it comes to e-mail lists, more marketing is better” published on DMNews’ The 2024 DMNews Essential Guide to Lists & Database. The article made some pretty good points and there was just one particular point which I can’t…

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Thinking Aloud On B2B Email Marketing Ethics – Is Permission Based & Opt in The Only Way To Go?

I’ts an important question to reflect on before giving a go-ahead on any email marketing campaign. Personally, I hate spam as much every other person out there, I like the concept of using purely opt in lists or double opt in lists to run email campaigns but practically I also know not everyone can build…

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20 Sources For Acquiring & Building Targeted B2B Email Lead Lists

Although the company’s internal marketing or lead database and inbound leads is the best place to start looking while building out targeted email lists for upcoming campaigns, there is a constant need to replenish these databases with new email lists and fresh leads. Inbound leads aside, whether you are looking to build target list on…