B2B Demand generation ExcellenceDemand generation is the process of driving awareness and interest in company’s products or services. It is done through target marketing campaigns where a company focus on prospects who may be interested in buying their product or service. The process of demand generations starts with compiling a list or a database of prospect buyers.Demand generation process requires a strategy to proceed further. The marketer needs to follow data-focused demand generation approach because targeted marketing databases plays a vital role in B2B Demand Generation.

Here are some tips to attain B2B demand generation excellence

1. Research – They key to demand generation is in knowing your customer. Ask your current customers about the motivators and influencers that help them take a buying decision. What factors affect their decision making, distractors etc. Ask your sales team about their experience and hurdles. All these help you get a clear perspective about your approach.2. Customer Centric approach – The approach her has to be buyer centric and not product centric. Understand what your prospects are looking for. Understand their key role as an individual and as a part of decision makers. Once you have this information ready, then you can structure the conversations and content strategy to target this client.3. Content – ‘Content is the King’, we’ve heard this phrase many times. But It is true only when it is used in right context. Providing right content to the right person at the right time is the key here. Make sure that your demand generation content is in context with what your customer is looking for. The next thin to analyze here is customer’s content consumption. Where do prospects consume information and at what stages of the buying cycle. Based on this form content strategies specific to customer requirements and content type.4. Lead Nurturing – Most leads in your demand generation process do not close right away. This is the point when lead nurturing comes into play. Lead nurturing has the capabilities to dramatically improve the number of qualified leads in your system. In simple terms lead nurturing means engaging with qualified leads until they are ready to make a buying decision.5. Analysis & Measurement – Analise and evaluate the effectiveness of you demand generation campaign at every stage. Test and refine your data collected from the marketing efforts and make desirable changes in the demand generation strategy. Optimizing the demand generation strategy for improved results is the key factor.6. Sales ready – Marketing and sales teams work in collaboration to achieve common goals. The ultimate aim of demand generation and lead nurturing is to develop a framework to provide sales team a list of highly qualified & relevant prospects.

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