4 c of B2B marketing mix

Every marketer has been taught about 4 P’s of marketing mix i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion. This mix however doesn’t hold importance in case of B2B marketing. The mix we have been taught is the “Business-to-Customer” B2C mix.

In the B2B scenario the mix is all about Content, connection, communication and conversion. These 4 C’s are the perfect marketing mix for B2B. Plus it is applicable to all businesses regardless of their size and the industry they belong to. In other words we can say that almost all businesses can benefit from these 4 C’s of B2B marketing mix.

Content – Any marketing campaign starts with an insight, as what your customer wants. Creating content that answers all your customer’s queries with a motive of educating & engaging them should be the main focus. Content is the main essence of your marketing campaign. Relevant content means more audience engagement, and more engagement means more customers.

Connection – Connecting with the target audience is another aspect you need to look on carefully. Making separate lists is better. Then you can target them as per their requirements. Keep in mind that information overflow always distracts a customer. Convey what they are capable to digest. This way you would be able to connect well with them.

Communication – Communicating with customers or prospects is an ongoing process. In recent times, communicating with customer has become lot more easy than what it earlier used to be. Today you can easily communicate with prospects and clients via social media. Engaging customers through social media has become a very popular approach in any marketing campaign.

Conversion – Nurturing plays an important role in conversions. Keep them nurtured until they are ready to convert. Many marketers often misjudge this nurturing process. They think that nurturing stops when a lead enters the marketing life cycle. Instead, actual nurturing starts when it reaches the marketing funnel.

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